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City of steel, city of air

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· VITA IN LETTERE (aprile)
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Articoli Vecchi

Area Riservata
Stake Land

Stati Uniti, 2010 (durata 1h, 38’)

Regia: Jim Mickle

Sceneggiatura: Jim Mickle, Nick Damici

Con: Connor Paolo, Gregory Jones, Traci Hovel, Nick Damici, James Godwin, Tim House, Marianne Hagan, Stuart Rudin, Adam Scarimbolo, Vonia Arslanian, Michael Cerveris, Kelly McGillis, Heather Robb, Danielle Harris, Eilis Cahill, Sean Nelson, Larry Fessenden, Chance Kelly, Angelique Biasutto, Jean Brassard, Adam Folk, Lou Sumrall, Phyllis Bash, Bonnie Dennison, Eric Stanze, Jim Mickle, Graham Reznick, Jackson McCord, Seamus Boyle, Danny Mefford, Anastasia Neimann, Mike Jensen, Jacques Roy, Mona Lessnick, Brian Spears, Grant McCord, B. Beddoe, Lizz Morhaim, Bryce Burke, Shawn Snow, Emily Cain, Jack Walker, Asa Liebmann, James Mickle, Rich Deem, Chris Eddinger, Eric Owens, Sebastian Naskaris, Jusin Farrell, Brian Finnegan, Brian Prizer, Austin Paterson, Kyle Fultz, Frank Harris, Dave Strohm, Jake Rasmussen, Dave Hartman, Tim Mcgee, Michael Weidner, Jeffrey W. Telepu, Robb McCleary, Kyle Mieczkowski, Jeremy Zook, Jason Wagner, George Zook, Matthias Hickey, Derek Curl, Peter Phok, Brent Kunkle, Dominique Biasutto, Patrick Cecilian, Christopher Kijeh, Stanley A. Kijeh, Beth Mickle, Andrew Adams, Tim Gehling, Michael Murphy, Gary Robertson, Daniel Zimmerman, Ann Cover, Lissette Almonte, Christina Cole, John Johnson, Brittany Dauber, Terry Anderson, Amy Altarelli, Simon Kantola, Shane Delameter, James Enfield Ashby, Kathleen Anderson, Greg Kennedy, Wendy Dillingham, Rich Baker, Victoria Baker, Saul Elliott, Adam D. Dries, Josh Baker, Jackie Baker, Lisa Kern, Kevin Kline, Lauren Baker, Travis Baldwin, Rich Kitchum, Holli Evans, Cynthia Baldwin, Pamela Banner, Cullan Lafferty, Erin Filuprit, Robert Bishop, Richard Blacksberg, Caitlin Logan, Aidan Ploutz, Bea Blacksberg, Kasey Bornhoeft, Dianne Marshall, Dave Prizier, Katie Bornhoeft, Frank Brewer, Robert B. Maxim, Scott Prizier, Frank Brenkle, Alicia Caseler, William McLain, Genesis Quinones, Sage Byron, Amber Certain, Dustan Miller, Bella Reid, Ally Caselli, Linda Cousin, Bianca Molnar, Laurent Rejto, Glen Cooper, Triston Daly, Peter Molnar, Gaudys Sanford, Steve Heller, Melissa Day, Yu Nagasaka, Robert Schlueter, Mike Hill, Chris DeCicco, Sharon Nichols, Harley Shamro, Jennifer Holz, Skip Dillingham, Alison O'Brien, Rosie Simmons, Joshua Hotz, Melissa Drexel, Ryan Owens, Dorothea Swiac, Anastasia Iorga, Robert V. Vinning, Charles Freas, Brandon Spano, Judi Jarvis, Maximilian Frey, Jonathan Spano, Garrett Jester, Jack Fessenden, Howie Futterman, Jeremy Stake, Robert Joedicke, Gregory Forsman, Kristi Ganette, Robert Stanley, Arthur Kadyshes, Alex Fretz, Malcolm Haight, Carl Steen, Shaun Keen, Briana Freymoyer, Lisa Hill, Michael Thomas, Joyce Kennedy, Christine Byron-Steen, Richard Elliott, Joseph Hodges, Jeanette Thompson, Ethan Kitchum, Steven Futterman, Henry Hyneman, Richard J. Treitner, Jamis Kruger, Richard B. Garcia, Vlad Iorga, Arlene D. Vining, Robin Linzey, Sarah Hagakorz, Jessica Jester, Robert Wenrich jr., Beth Marri, Alexis Molnar, Judy Johnson, Robin Williams, Pamela Martin, Carol Molnar, Matthew Witte, Sue Witte, David Riegel, Corinne Nanghton, Steve Witte jr., Zsolt Zilary, Paul McLain, Joyce Northacker, Geoff Samuels, Mary Small, Dennis Michele, Carlie Owens, Lisa Scalf, Amy Spano, Storm Stanley, William Palinski, Terri Seca, Keith Spano, Kimberly Sullivan, Amber Plaut, Carmine Simmons, Anthony Spina, Scott H. Thompson, Juan Pablo, Amanda Williams, Tanya Stake, Z.Z. Tommsisco, Linda Reid, Thomas W. Holdener jr., Lorenza Ponce, Dave Eggar, Jofre Romarion, Daru Oda, Charlie Palmer

Produttori: Derek Curl, Larry Fessenden, Adam Folk, Brent Kunkle, Peter Phok; esecutivi: Badie Ali, Hamza Ali, Malik B. Ali, Greg Newman; associato: Linda Moran

Musica: Jeff Grace

Make up: Pete Gerner, Brian Spears

Effetti speciali: visual: David Isyomin, Jim Mickle

Fotografia: Ryan Samul

Montaggio: Jim Mickle

Scenografia: Daniel R. Kersting

Art director: Michael Ahern, Beck Underwood

Costumi: Liz Vastola

Note: titolo brasiliano: "Stake Land-Anoitecer Violento", tedesco: "Vampire Nation", spagnoli: "Stake land", "Vampiros del hampa", ungherese: "Vámpírok földje", serbio: "Zemlja kolčeva smrti", turco: "Vampir Cehennemi"

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